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Return and exchange cases:

- The product has an error from the manufacturer (damage, broken product, torn shell...).

- The product has expired or is nearly expired.

- The product does not meet the customer's request because Thanh Phat VN Trading and Services Co., Ltd. prepared the wrong product or took the wrong type of product.

- The product is still in original packaging, labels and has not been used.

Cases where returns are not applicable:

- Gift products, products in special discount programs.

- The product is overdue for return (05 days).

- The product has been peeled and the box has been opened.

- Products that customers have tried or used 1 time or more.

- Product packaging and boxes are damaged or scratched due to customer error.

- Products must not be purchased from the website or purchased directly at the agent stores of Thanh Phat VN Trading and Services Company Limited.


Product return time: within 05 days from the date the customer purchases or receives the product from the delivery party.

How to return: Customers need to notify the staff of Thanh Phat VN Trading and Services Co., Ltd. (via hotline: 0339023296 or phone numbers of agents published here: https://taoshop .io/lien-he/) about the reason for return and exact address and contact phone number so that we can carry out the product return process as quickly as possible according to your request. In some cases, we will ask customers to provide evidence (photos, unpacking videos) to have a basis for processing the customer's request to exchange/return goods.

Product return location: Thanh Phat VN Trading and Services Company Limited encourages customers to bring products directly to the office (please refer to the specific address here): lien-he/) so that we can check the product again and customers can view and choose to exchange the product according to their wishes. For provincial customers, you can ship the goods via post office & contact the Company about the exchange product, postal code, etc. so that we can process and resend the goods as soon as possible upon receiving the product.

In case you have comments/complaints related to product quality, please contact our customer care line, hotline 0339023296.


Within 48 hours from the time we receive the returned package, customer service staff of Thanh Phat VN Trading and Services Co., Ltd. will contact the customer to confirm payment information. service for refunds.

Refunds will be processed by us by bank transfer to your bank account.

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