Shopping cart is required to provide you with certain information in writing. This electronic communication policy describes how we will provide that information to you.

This policy is part of our Terms of Use. By using any of's services, you agree to this policy and our Terms of Use.

1. TaoShop information.I'll send you two. Contact information will be sent electronically
3. Provides information
4. Technical requirements for receiving electronic communications
5. Withdraw consent for electronic communications
6. Update your contact information

1. TaoShop will send you

We may sometimes need to send you important notifications about your use of our website, mobile applications or other services (collectively, our “Services”). This policy covers all such notices, including the terms, policies and user agreements applicable to your use of the Services, payment reports, transaction information, privacy statements, tax reports and other legal documents that will be provided to you in electronic form (collectively, “Electronic Communications”).

2. Contact information will be sent electronically

In accordance with this policy, you agree to the Electronic Communications Information (including all legal terms and disclosures required by law) provided to you by electronically. You also agree that your agreement with the terms and conditions and electronic disclosure has the same legal effect as when you signed the agreement on paper. For example, if the language that appears next to a button on the website informs you that you will agree to certain terms by clicking on the button, then clicking your button will have the same legal effect as signing an agreement on paper.

3. Provides information may provide you with Electronic Communications Information by (a) sending them to you by email to the email address listed in your Tao account, (b) posting them on the website or mobile app, or (c) providing them through the website specified in an email notification to you.

4. Technical Requirements to Receive Electronic Information

To receive Electronic Communications, you must have the following:

  • Computer or mobile device;
  • Connection to the Internet;
  • Internet browser supports 128-bit encryption, with cookies enabled;
  • An active email address; And there's enough electronic storage on your computer's hard drive or other data storage devices and/or printers installed to print the disclosure.

5. Withdraw consent for electronic communications

You can withdraw your consent to receive Electronic Communications at any time in your account or by submitting a request to us at:, Inc.
Attn: Legal 117 Adams Street Brooklyn, NY 11201

Please note that if you withdraw your consent to receive the Electronic Information, such a revocation will only take effect after has a reasonable period of time (usually 3 months) in which to process your Withdrawal. In addition, if you withdraw your consent to receive Electronic Communications and is requested to send you a paper copy of the communications, Tao may cancel your access to the Service.

In order for to send you a paper copy, you must have the current mailing address in your Profile in your Tao account. reserves the right to charge you a reasonable fee to cover the cost of sending you a copy of the Electronic Communications.

6. Update your contact information

To ensure that you receive Electronic Communications, you must ensure that the contact information in your account is correct. is not responsible for your failure to receive Electronic Communications if you do not update your contact information.


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