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Sometimes a member may need to cancel a transaction. Only the seller can cancel an order from; if you are the buyer who wishes to request cancellation, please contact the Seller directly via Message.

The seller can cancel a transaction if the cancellation complies with all TaoShop, including our Anti-Discrimination Policy and applies one of the following:

Order payment failed: The seller may flag the buyer for unreceived payment, refund or cancelled payment.

The order payment was successful and one of the following is true:

  • The seller has agreed to the buyer's request for cancellation of the order before dispatch and has refunded the full amount to the purchaser.
  • The seller decided to refuse the service to the buyer and the seller refunded the full amount, including the postal fee.
  • The buyer did not receive the ordered item(s) and the seller refunded the item. The refund is optional, unless the buyer pays with Payments, in which case you will need a full refund.
  • The buyer and seller agree that the buyer can return the goods to the seller for a refund. The seller has received a return and a refund to the buyer for that item. The refund is optional, unless the buyer pays with Payments, in which case you will need a full refund.


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