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Welcome to We're glad you're here. Create comfort and fun, but follow the rules of our house.
This policy is effective from 24 July 2023.
Please note that Section 11 of the Terms below contains a binding arbitration agreement and a right of withdrawal for users in North and South America. By agreeing to the Terms, you and agrees to refer any dispute between us to personal arbitration and not to bring a lawsuit, except in the limited circumstances described below.


  1. Accept these terms
  2. The other documents we mentioned.
  3. Your privacy
  4. Your account with
  5. Your content
  6. Your use of our services
  7. End
  8. Guarantees and liability limitations (or those you cannot sue us)
  9. Compensation (and what happens if you get us sued)
  10. Disputes with other users
  11. Arbitration Agreement and Dispute Resolution (North and South America)
  12. Dispute Resolution (The rest of the world)
  13. Change Terms
  14. Some better legal points.
  15. Contact Information

1. Accept these terms

This document and other materials that we refer to below constitute our general rules or what we formally call the Terms of Use (abbreviated as “Terms”).

The Terms are a legally binding agreement between you and If you live in North or South America, the contract is between you and, Inc.; if you reside elsewhere, the contract is between you and Ireland UC, a subsidiary of Tao, Inc. We'll only call, Inc. And all of its subsidiaries are "".

Please note that Section 11 contains arbitration clauses and collective action waivers, applicable to users in North and South America, and explains how to refuse to participate in arbitrations. Unless you choose not to participate validly, you agree to resolve all disputes with exclusively through binding individual arbitration, with a limited number of exceptions. This means that you and are waiving your right to initiate a lawsuit in court, trial by a jury or participate in a collective or representative lawsuit. Please read this Section carefully as it affects your rights.

This Agreement lays down your rights and responsibilities when you use, Pattern by Tao, our mobile app and other services provided by (we will collectively refer to all these services as our “Services”), so please read them carefully. By using any of our Services (even if you only browse one of our websites or apps), you agree to the Terms. If you do not agree to the Terms, you may not use our Services. Agree with us? Great, keep reading!

2. The other documents we mentioned.

TaoShop connects people all over the world, both online and offline, to produce, sell and buy unique goods. Here are useful instructions to help you understand the specific rules that are right for you, depending on how you use the Services:

Our rules are for everyone. By using any of our Services, you agree to these Terms, our Privacy Policy and our Anti-Discrimination Policy.

Our general rules are for sellers. If you list any items for sale through our Service, these policies will apply to you. You can read them here.

Our rules are for buyers. If you use our Services for browsing or shopping, these policies will apply to you. You can read them here.

Our general rules are for third parties. These policies apply to intellectual property owners, API users, affiliates and anyone who requests information from

Disclose search rankings and ads.This is a brief summary of how organizes search results and advertising results that may include your Content.

All of these policies are part of our Terms, so be sure to read the policies that are right for you. Of course, you'll still want to read the rest of this document as it applies to everyone!

3. Your privacy

We know that your personal information is important to you, so it is very important to us.Our Privacy Policy details how we collect, use and share your information when you use our Services. By using our Services, you also agree that we may process your information in the manner set out in the Privacy Policy, so please read it here.

Both and the seller process the member’s personal information (e.g. buyer’s name, email address and delivery address) and are therefore considered as separate and independent data controllers for the purchaser’s Personal Information under EU law. This means that each party is responsible for the personal information we process when providing the Service. For example, if the seller accidentally discloses the buyer's name and e-mail address when placing an order from another buyer, the sender, not, will be responsible for such unauthorized disclosure. 

However, if you (as a seller) and are found to be joint controllers of the buyer's personal information data and if Tao is sued, fined or liable for something that you have done (or failed to do) as the general data controller of the purchaser's private information, then you agree to protect and compensate under Section 9 below.

4. Tài khoản của bạn với

Bạn sẽ cần tạo tài khoản với để sử dụng một số Dịch vụ của chúng tôi. Dưới đây là một số quy tắc về tài khoản với

Đáp: Bạn phải từ 18 tuổi trở lên mới có thể sử dụng Dịch vụ của chúng tôi. Trẻ vị thành niên dưới 18 tuổi và ít nhất 13 tuổi chỉ được phép sử dụng Dịch vụ của chúng tôi thông qua tài khoản do cha mẹ hoặc người giám hộ hợp pháp sở hữu với sự cho phép phù hợp và dưới sự giám sát trực tiếp của họ. Trẻ em dưới 13 tuổi không được phép sử dụng hoặc Dịch vụ. Bạn chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ và tất cả hoạt động tài khoản do trẻ vị thành niên thực hiện trên tài khoản của mình và có thể có sẵn các sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ thương mại mà bạn có thể muốn xem xét để hạn chế quyền truy cập của trẻ vị thành niên vào tài liệu trực tuyến. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy xem Chính sách dành cho trẻ vị thành niên của .

B. Hãy thành thật với chúng tôi. Cung cấp thông tin chính xác về bản thân bạn. Nghiêm cấm sử dụng thông tin sai lệch hoặc mạo danh người khác hoặc công ty thông qua tài khoản của bạn.

C. Chọn một tên thích hợp. Nếu bạn quyết định không dùng tên đầy đủ làm tên được liên kết với tài khoản của mình, bạn không được sử dụng ngôn ngữ xúc phạm, thô tục, vi phạm quyền sở hữu trí tuệ của ai đó hoặc vi phạm Điều khoản.

D. Bạn chịu trách nhiệm về tài khoản của mình. Bạn hoàn toàn chịu trách nhiệm về mọi hoạt động trên tài khoản của mình. Nếu bạn đang chia sẻ tài khoản với người khác thì người có thông tin tài chính trong tài khoản đó cuối cùng sẽ chịu trách nhiệm về mọi hoạt động. Nếu bạn đăng ký với tư cách là một thực thể kinh doanh, cá nhân bạn đảm bảo rằng bạn có quyền đồng ý với các Điều khoản thay mặt cho doanh nghiệp. Tài khoản thường không thể chuyển nhượng được.

E. Bảo vệ mật khẩu của bạn. Như chúng tôi đã đề cập ở trên, bạn hoàn toàn chịu trách nhiệm về mọi hoạt động trên tài khoản của mình, vì vậy điều quan trọng là phải bảo mật mật khẩu tài khoản của bạn. Đây là bài viết Trợ giúp về cách làm cho tài khoản của bạn an toàn hơn .

F. Hãy nói rõ ràng về mối quan hệ của chúng ta. Các Điều khoản này không tạo ra bất kỳ mối quan hệ đại lý, đối tác, liên doanh, việc làm hoặc bên nhận quyền nào giữa bạn và

G. Các vụ kiện và kháng cáo. Để tham gia vào hệ thống xử lý vụ việc của chúng tôi (như được mô tả trong Phần 10) hoặc kháng nghị hành động của, bạn phải có tài khoản.

Bài viết Trợ giúp chi tiết này sẽ trả lời bất kỳ câu hỏi nào bạn có thể có về việc đăng ký tài khoản với

5. Your content

The content you post using our Services is your content (so call it “your Content”). We make no complaints about such information, including any content you post using our Services (such as store names, profile photos, list pictures, list descriptions, reviews, comments, videos, user names, etc.).

A. Responsibility for Your Content. You understand that you are solely responsible for your Content. You represent that you have all necessary rights to all parts of your Content and that you do not violate or violate the rights of any third party by posting such Content.

B. The right to use your content. By posting your Content through our Services, you grant to and, as authorized by Tao in its sole discretion, to third parties, a license to use such Content. We do not claim any ownership of your Content, but we have your permission to use that Content to help operate and develop. In that way, we will not violate any rights you have to your Content and we can help promote that content. For example, you acknowledge and agree that may offer you or your buyers promotions on the Site, from time to time, that may be relevant to your listing or other listings on

C. Your permission to (This is the legal version of the final part.) By posting your Content, you grant to and, authorized by Tao at its sole discretion, to third parties, a non-exclusive, global, copyright-free, irrevocable, re-licensable, permanent license to use, display, edit, modify, copy, distribute, archive and prepare derivatives of your Content. This allows us to provide the Services and advertisements, your store, other stores and listings or the Services in general, in any format and through any channel, including on any Services, our partners or third-party websites or advertising media. You agree not to assert any personal or public rights against us when using your Content. You also acknowledge our legitimate interest in using it, within the scope of this license, to the extent that your Content contains any personal information.

Sounds like a lot, but we need to keep growing. Consider the following examples: if you upload a picture or video of the list on your store, we have the right to show it to the buyer and we can resize or improve it so that it looks good for the buyers using our mobile app; if you post a description in English, we can translate it into French so that the purchasers in Paris can learn the story behind your item; and if you posted a beautiful photo or video about your latest crafted ring, we could recommend it—usually along with your store name and photo—on our homepage, on one of our blogs or even on an ad board to help promote your business and's.

D. Reporting Unauthorized Content. fully respects intellectual property rights and undertakes to follow appropriate legal procedures to remove infringing content from the Service. If content that you own or have rights to has been posted to the Service without your permission and you want to remove it, please follow the steps listed in our Intellectual Property Policy. If your Content is allegedly infringing another person’s intellectual property rights, we will take appropriate action, such as disabling such content if we receive a violation report of our policies or terminating your account if you are found to be a repeated infringer. We'll let you know if that happens.

E. Inappropriate, false or misleading content. This makes sense, but there are certain types of content that we do not want to post on the TaoShop (for legal or other reasons). You agree that you will not post any content that is abusive, threatening, insulting, obscene, rude or offensive or violates the Forbidden Items Policy, the Community Policy or any part of our Terms. You also agree not to post any content that is false and misleading or uses the Service in a fraudulent or deceptive manner.

6. Your use of our services

License to use our service. We grant you a limited, non-exclusive, untransferable and revocable license to use our Services—subject to the following Terms and specific restrictions:

A. Do not use our services to violate the law. You agree that you will not violate any laws relating to your use of the Services. This includes all local, state, federal and international laws that may apply to you. For example, you are responsible for obtaining any licenses or licenses that your store requires and meet the applicable legal requirements in the current jurisdiction(s). This includes the sale and delivery of your items, such as verification of age at delivery, if required by law. You may not sell anything that violates any law; you must comply with our Penalty Policy and you may not engage in fraudulent behaviour (including false claims or violation notifications), theft, anti-competitive conduct, acts of threat or any other unlawful conduct or crimes against, other Tao users or a third party.

B. Pay your bills. You are responsible for paying all fees that you owe Except as described below, you are solely responsible for collecting and/or paying any applicable taxes for any purchase or sale you make through our Services. If possible, will calculate, collect and pay value added tax or VAT and sales taxes. Some countries may refer to VAT in other terms, e.g. Goods and Services Tax (GST), but we will generally refer only to VAT, GST and any local sales tax as “GST”. Please see this FAQ as well as our and our Fees & Payment Policies for more tax information, including tax details that collects and pays from buyers. The fees, invoices, taxes and how you can pay them are fully explained in our Fees & Payments Policy.

C. Don't steal our stuff. You agree not to collect data, scrape or scan any pages of the Service or use reverse techniques or attempt to obtain the source code of the Services (including TaoShop Intellectual Property).io and Seller Content) without our explicit permission.. If you want to use our API, please follow our API Terms of Use.

D. Don't try to damage our system. You agree not to interfere with or attempt to interrupt our Services, such as by spreading viruses, excessive demands on our website or platform or other malicious computer code.

E. Compliance with the Policy Our brand. Name "" and other trademarks, phrases, logos and designs of that we use in connection with our Service (TaoShop, are trademarks, service marks or commercial forms of in the United States and other countries. If you wish to use our trademarks, you agree to abide by our Trademark Policy.

F. Share your ideas. We love your suggestions and ideas! They can help us improve your experience and our Services. Any other ideas or materials you submit to (excluding your Content or items you sell through our Services) are deemed to be non-confidential and not exclusive to you. You grant us a non-exclusive, global, copyright-free, irrevocable, re-licensable, permanent license to use and publish such ideas and materials for any purpose without compensation to you.

G. Talk to us online. Sometimes, will provide you with certain legal information in writing. By using our Services, you agree to our Electronic Communications Policy, which describes how we provide that information to you. It says that we can send you information electronically (e.g. via email) instead of sending you paper copies (which is better for the environment) and that your electronic agreement is the same as your signature on paper.

7. End

The end is yours. We would love to see you leave, but you can terminate your account with at any time from your account setting. You can find more information in this Help article. The termination of your account will not affect the availability of some Content that you have posted through the Service prior to the termination. Oh, and you'll still have to pay all unpaid bills.

Ended by We may terminate or suspend your account (and any account identifies associated with your account) and your access to the Service if we have reason to believe that you, your Content or your use of the Service violates our Terms. If we do so, it is important to understand that you have no legal or contractual right to continue to use our Services, such as to sell or buy on our website or mobile app. Generally, will notify you that your account has been terminated or suspended, unless you continue to violate our Terms or we have legal or regulatory reasons preventing us from notifying you.

If you or terminate your account, you may lose all information related to your account including your Content.

We may terminate the Service. We reserve the right to change, suspend or terminate any Service for you, any or all users, at any time, for any reason, including the reasons set forth in the Tao policy under these Terms of Use. We will not be liable to you for the impact of any changes to the Service on you, including your income or ability to generate revenue through your Service.

Survive. The Terms will remain in force even after your access to the Service is terminated or your use of the Service has ended.

8. Guarantees and liability limitations (or those you cannot sue us)

Items you buy. You understand that does not manufacture, store or test any items sold through our Services. We provide location; the items on our market are manufactured, listed and sold directly by independent sellers, so cannot and does not give any warranty as to their quality, safety, authenticity or legality. Any legal claims relating to the item you purchased must be made directly against the seller of the item. You exempt from any claims relating to items sold through our Services, including defective items, seller distortions or items that cause physical injury (such as product liability claims).

Content you access. You may encounter material that you find unpleasant or inappropriate when using our Services. We make no statements regarding any content posted by users through the Service. is not responsible for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality or accurateness of user-posted content that you access through the Service. You exempt us from any liability related to such content.

Interacting friends. You may use the Services to interact with other individuals, online or in person. However, you understand that we do not scan users of our Services other than to comply with certain legal obligations and compliance, and you disclaim us from any liability related to your interaction with other users. Be careful and cautious as well as judge properly in all interactions with other people, especially if you're meeting someone in person.This Help article contains some useful tips on how to handle live meetings.

Third party services. Our Services may contain links to third-party websites or services that we do not own or control (e.g. links to Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest). You may also need to use third-party products or services to use some of our Services (such as a compatible mobile device to use our mobile app). When you access these third-party services, you are at your own risk. Third parties may require you to accept their own terms of use. is not a party to such agreements; they are only a matter between you and a third party.

Gift cards and promotions. You confirm that does not provide any warranty for your Gift Card balance and is not responsible for any unauthorized access or modification, theft or destruction of the GiftCard or Giftcard code as a result of any action by you or a third party. You also acknowledge that we may suspend or prohibit the use of your gift cards if your gift card or gift card code is to be lost or stolen, or if we believe that your giftcard balance is being used in a suspicious, fraudulent or otherwise unauthorized manner. If your Gift Card code does not work, your only remedy is that we give you a replacement Gift card code. By participating in a special offer or promotion, you agree that you may not subsequently claim that the rules of that special offer are ambiguous.

PROTECTION. Good to do our best possible service, but we're not good, and that's when things can go wrong. You understand that our services are provided “as appropriate” and “as ready” without any guarantees (for reasons or purposes). We acknowledge any guarantees regarding the right to be protected, non-infringement, the ability to sell and the availability for a specific purpose, as well as any warranties concerning the operations, processing or use of our services.



9. Compensation (and what happens if you get us sued)

We hope this never happens, but if is sued or receives a complaint, notification or claim for something that you have done (or not done), you agree to defend and compensate us. This means that, without limitation, you will protect, reimburse, indemnify, and retain (including any of our employees, officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates) from any claims, complaints, demands, lawsuits, losses, liabilities, or expenses in any form ( including reasonable attorney's fees) arising from your actions, your use (or misuse) of our Services, the violation of the Terms, the items you purchase or sell through the Services and/or the actual or alleged violations of any law or rights of any third party. We reserve the right to process our legal remedies in the manner we deem appropriate, even if you compensate us, in which case you agree to cooperate with us so that we can implement our strategy.

10. Disputes with other users

If you find yourself having a dispute with another user of the Services or a third party, we encourage you to contact the other party and try to resolve the dispute in a friendly manner.

Case system. Buyers and sellers who are unable to resolve disputes relating to transactions on our website or mobile application may join our transaction processing system using a registered account. You can find detailed information about case systems in this Help article. In our sole discretion, will try to help you resolve disputes in good faith but we will not make judgments or decisions relating to legal issues or claims. has no obligation to resolve or support any dispute.

Release You release from all claims, claims and damages arising from disputes with other users or third parties.

11. Arbitration Agreement and Except for the collective lawsuit.

If you're not happy with us, let us know and we'll work together in good faith to solve your problem. But if we can't solve it, then you and (including our employees, officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates) agrees to refer our disputes exclusively to binding individual arbitration and we will not sue each other in front of a judge or jury, except in certain limited circumstances described below.

This Section 11 (which we also refer to as the “Arbitration Agreement” or “Agreement”) applies only if you are a user in North or South America and applies to the maximum extent permitted by law.

Please read this Section carefully as it affects your rights.

A. The dispute we'll settle. You and agree to hold compulsory personal arbitration for all claims arising out of or in connection with the Services, these and previous versions of the Terms, any products, data or content purchased, sold, provided, accessed, displayed, transmitted or listed through the Services and the actions or claims of Tao or the users of, in each case, including disputes arising prior to the date of entry into force of these Terms (each case is referred to as the “Dispute”). The exception is that each of us can (1) bring qualifying individual claims to the "small litigation" court, as long as such claims are still brought to the court of small litigations; and (2) seek emergency remedies in court for infringement or abuse of intellectual property rights (such as trademarks, copyrights and patents). All other Disputes must be arbitrated, which means that you and both waive the right to bring a lawsuit in court and have a trial in court or jury.

B. Exemption from Representative and Collective Action. You and agree that each of us may lodge a complaint against another person only on an individual basis and not on a collective, representative or collective basis (and we each waive any right we have to lodge such complaints). Each of us can only seek or receive personal help, and except as specified in Section 11.F (Mass Arbitration), disputes between us cannot be arbitrated or merged with disputes of any other individual or entity. If the court (after having examined all appeals) decides that any part of this Section 11.B is not enforceable in respect of a specific claim or claim (e.g. emergency public order measure), only such specific claim is deemed to be valid. are excluded from the arbitration and can be sued in court (but only after the arbitrator has made a judgment on the complaints and remedies by arbitral).

C. Informal dispute settlement. Before submitting an arbitration application, you and will endeavour to resolve any Disputes informally and in good faith. To initiate the dispute process, you must send an individual written notice (“Dispute Notice”) to Dispute [email protected] includes (1) your name, phone number, username and store name (if any) and email address. Your account and (2) a description of the Dispute as well as how you wish to resolve the dispute. If has a Dispute with you, we will send a Disputes Notice containing the same information to the email address for your account. After receiving the full Dispute Notice, the recipient has 60 days to investigate the complaints. If either party requests a settled meeting during this time, you and must work together to schedule that meeting via telephone or video conference. Each of you and will participate personally and each of you may offer a lawyer but the meeting must be personalised, even if the same company(s) represent multiple parties. For claims in the Dispute Notice, any deadlines will be counted from the date of receipt of the notice until (i) 60 days or (ii) after the completion of the requested timely settlement meeting (“Informal Settlement Time”). Arbitration may not be submitted until the informal settlement period has expired and the court may order the initiation of proceedings or prosecution of arbitration in violation of this Section.

D. Arbitration Rules and Procedures. In order to initiate arbitration, you or we must submit a request for arbitrations to the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”). You can send any arbitration requests to by mail to:io, Inc. c/o The Corporation Trust Company, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. If has a dispute with you, we will send an arbitration request by email address to your account If AAA cannot or will not manage arbitration under Section 11, you and we will choose another supplier (and if we cannot agree, the court will choose the supplier).

The arbitration will be conducted in English by a single arbitrator. The arbitral hearing (if any) will be conducted by TV bridge, unless either party requests a direct hearing and the arbitrator agrees. If a direct hearing is required, the hearing will be held in the district where you reside (for residents of the United States), New York County, New York (for non-residents) or as decided by the arbitrator (in the case of Mass Arbitration).

The arbitration will be decided under the AAA Consumer Arbitration Rules, as amended by this Agreement. But if you are using the Service as a business and your complaints or TaoShop.If you exceed $75,000, the AAA Commercial Arbitration Rules will apply, as amended by this Agreement. Just as in court, the arbitrator will apply the applicable law, any lawyer must comply with the Federal Civil Procedure Rules 11(b) and the arbiter may impose any sanction under the AAA Rules, Rule 11 or other applicable laws. The arbitrator will also enforce time limits and other time-based remedies, judgement/compromise proposals and fee transfer rules in a similar manner as the court will do.

The arbitrator shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve all matters, except that the court has exclusive authority to decide on matters relating to the arbitration of a dispute, the enforceability of any part of this Section 11 (Arbitration Agreement and Dispute Resolution) and compliance by either party. With Section 11.C (Informal Dispute Resolution). Unless specified in Section 11.F (Lot Arbitration), the arbitrator may only issue damages and other remedies in favour of the individual claimant and only to the extent necessary to provide remédies guaranteed by the claimant's individual claims. The arbitrator shall not be bound by decisions reached in other arbitration proceedings. The decision of the referee is final and binding on you and A judgment on the award can be made in any court with jurisdiction.

E. Arbitration fee. The payment of all application, case management, administrative, hearing and arbitration fees (“Arbitration Fees”) shall be subject to the AAA rules and schedules, unless otherwise provided in this Arbitral Agreement. If you are a consumer and your arbitration fee is higher than the amount you have to pay in court, let us know and will pay the difference on your behalf.

F. Arbitrated in series. To ensure an effective settlement, if, within a period of 90 days, 25 or more claimants submit a Dispute Notice or submit an arbitration file with similar claims (i.e. similar or similar facts or events and legal issues) and are represented by the same body or coordinated body. Lawyers, disputes must be arbitrated in a row, each with a maximum of 50 claims. Specifically, after notification from either party, the AAA will group the claimants into: (1) a single claim (if there are 25-50 claimants) or (2) each claimant has 50 claimants, with a smaller last claimant including any remaining claimants (if more than 50 are claimants). The AAA will then regulate the settlement of each Round in the form of a single combined arbitration with a single arbitrator designated by the AAA, a Arbitration Fee set and a hearing (if any) for every Round held by a TV conference (or at a location). by the referee). The parties will cooperate in good faith to implement this process and minimize the time and cost of arbitration. All complaints against AAA's administrative decisions will be dealt with by a single arbitrator. If Section 11.If this is deemed to be inapplicable to a specific claimant or claimant, it will be separated from the claimant and those parties will arbitrate in individual proceedings.

G. Choose not to participate. You have a limited right to refuse this Arbitration Agreement (excluding Section 11.I). In particular, if you are a new user of our Services, you may opt out of this Arbitration Agreement within 30 days of your first acceptance of the Terms. If you are currently a user of our Service, you may opt out within 30 days of the effective date (listed above). To opt out, you must send an e-mail promptly to the arbitral address [email protected] with your name, email address for your account, username and store name (if any) as well as a request to opt out of arbitration. If you choose not to participate validly, neither nor you will be subject to arbitration as a result of this Arbitration Agreement (or any previous version of) this Arbitrage agreement, but the Terms (and any other agreement between us) will apply to you. If we update the Terms after you validly opt out, we will continue to respect your opt-out, but such updates do not provide a new opportunity to opt out of arbitration.

H. Future changes to the Arbitration Agreement. will notify you of any significant changes to this Arbitration Agreement at least 30 days prior to their entry into force. You may opt out of any future changes to the Arbitration Agreement by sending an e-mail to our email address within 30 days of receiving the notification, including the name, email address associated with your account and/or your account. Otherwise, you will be bound by the change and the revised Arbitration Agreement will apply to all Disputes between you and, including those arising prior to the date of the change's entry into force, but excluding any claims pending arbitration (or court, if permitted). ) from the date of entry into force. If you reject a change, you will be bound by the latest version of the Arbitration Agreement prior to the change you refuse.

I. Selection of Rules and Forums. is based in New York, so if any complaint between you and Tao will not be arbitrated, you and the TaoShop agree to lodge such complaints exclusively in the state or federal courts of New York County, New York and submit them under the individual jurisdiction of those courts. The exception is if you file a petition to a court for minor cases—you can do that in the district where you live. Unless strictly prohibited by law, these Terms and all disputes between us shall be governed exclusively by New York law, irrespective of any conflict of laws and federal laws of the United States (including the Federal Arbitration Act). To be clear, Section 11.This will continue to apply even if you validly refuse to participate in arbitration under Section 11.G.

12. Dispute Resolution (The rest of the world)

This Section 12 applies if your country of residence or primary establishment is located in Europe (including the European Economic Area, Switzerland and the United Kingdom), Asia, Australia or Africa. As your contract is with Ireland UC, each of us agrees that the Terms and any dispute between us will be governed exclusively by Irish law and will be decided exclusively in the courts of Ireland, except to the extent prohibited by law. If you are an individual consumer, you may have the right to appeal to the compulsory consumer protection laws of the country in which you reside and/or to file a lawsuit in the courts of that country. If needs to enforce its rights to you as an individual consumer, we will only do so in your country of residence. Application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is excluded.

In the event of a dispute arising between you and, we encourage you to contact the Support department of Tao to find a way to resolve and/or follow the informal Dispute Resolution process described in Section 11.C above. For vendors in the EU, you can see information about the platform-to-business (“P2B”) regulation here and you can raise your P2B concerns here. You or may also refer eligible disputes to mediation before the Effective Dispute Resolution Centre or settlement through the European Commission's online dispute resolution platform.

13. Change Terms

From time to time, we may update these Terms, including adding entirely new terms and deleting existing ones. If such changes are significant, we will notify you in advance by posting such changes through the Service and/or sending you an email or message about such changes. Your use of the Service after the date of entry into force of the change will imply your acceptance of the updated Terms. If you do not agree to the changes, you may close your account.

14. Some better legal points.

The terms, including all the policies that make up the terms, replace any other agreement between you and regarding the Services. Except as provided for in Section 11, if any part of the Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, that part will be limited to the minimum necessary and will be deleted so that the terms remain in full force. The failure of us to enforce any part of the Terms does not mean that we waive the right of enforcement of that part or any other part of these Terms later. We may transfer any of our rights and obligations under the Terms.

15. Contact Information

If you have any questions about the Terms, please email us at [email protected].


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